
(Unaffiliated source link for ↑quotation: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/millions-are-dying-unnecessarily-from-covid-because-of-selfishness-greed-and-a-perverse-misunderstanding-of-human-freedom-11631204120. Unaffiliated source for graffiti font: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/)

(Comment:) P.S. Know it: Donald Trump -- de facto ruler of virus anti-vaccine nut-jobs everywhere -- "privately" received a Covid vaccine shot at the White House in 2021: https://www.axios.com/trump-vaccinated-coronavirus-bd88b0fa-6a19-483d-8fd4-d949f23f25f9.html, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-01/trump-wife-quietly-got-white-house-shots-as-others-went-public

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Reposted video clip -- Re Trump: It's a "business decision"? ..Really?

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Reposted 10/14/24 clip. No affiliation:

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed. Temporarily left on autoplay for a little while (some viewers)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

(Comment:) It's the fall season, 2024. A lying, xenophobic presidential candidate who is a convicted felon, adjudicated sexual abuser and business fraudster, who has also repeatedly and publicly made racist comments, somehow has the current support of 46-47% of respondents in national polls. A) Think about it: What does that say about our country? B through Z) (Prove me WRONG -- *and hang-on to your health care and some fundamental rights*, BTW:) Please "say it ain't so" ...at the ballot box

 (Commentary, including reposted material.  ..NOTE: I'm hoping that this will be is my last post for awhile... It SHOULD be..)

A few (of many available) links supporting items mentioned in the post's header about Donald Trump(A few opinion pieces included:)

"Lying": "Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years", (2020:) "Lying again about the pandemic, Trump made 200 false claims from early June to early July","Trump warns the market will crash if he loses. Investors just laugh", "162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact-checks former President Trump", "Why Trump’s economic lies stood out in his 2024 kickoff speech", "Donald Trump's economic record is full of empty promises", "The 5 key elements of Trump’s Big Lie and how it came to be", "Trump’s New Big Lie" ....

"Xenophobic": "Trump repeats 'poisoning the blood' anti-immigrant remark", (2020:) "'Xenophobe. In. Chief.': Democrats blast Trump's plan to suspend immigration to U.S", (2024:) "Trump Xenophobia Reaches Its Apex in Racist Campaign Post"

(Brief comment:) ...↓Are you REALLY scared this stupid, America?

(Copy, no affiliation:)

"Convicted felon": 


10/9/24 repost/update - 'Bad Grandpa' yells at the sky ..AGAIN. An angry, crazed lunatic like this should be nowhere near the White House + nuclear launch codes. 
This is not 'normal' or sane:


..Living up (or down) to Hillary's "deplorables" observation:


Trash left behind in aftermath of Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania
byu/CrispyMiner inpics

(Continuing the previously posted material:)

"Adjudicated sexual abuser": "Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse, awards accuser $5M", "Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll"



Links to a few recent national polls (Harris currently with a small lead...): 


(Given the above + more:) ..HOW is it POSSIBLY still this CLOSE??


 Never forget:


YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed

P.P.S. Worth it, if you have a subscription: "The Dangers of Donald Trump, From Those Who Know Him"

Saturday, September 21, 2024

(Reposted trailer:) A movie that every American voter should find a way to watch ...soon

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Reposted trailer. Copy, no affiliation:

..FWIW, the film will be screened in Washington DC on 9/24/24: https://dcdoxfest.com/films/from-russia-with-lev/

..Otherwise (for the moment), perhaps it will be shown again soon on MSNBC, as it was last night (Friday)...

A tiny comment: Excellent content in the film, but this viewer got a little dizzy at times with the constant quick switching/flashing to new screens during much of the movie. ..Perhaps might have been slowed things down a little but (in fairness) there was a lot of good content to present (..e.g.: Lev's many photos..). 


↓Partial screen-captured image. No copyright claimed or assumed. Link to possible source:


YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed

Monday, September 16, 2024

(Reposted excerpt:) "Picture this: It's the weekend and you're a 78-year-old man running for the highest elected office in the country. National polls suggest there's an almost razor-thin margin of popularity separating you and your opponent after a debate that didn't exactly go in your favor. How do you drum up more support? Do you hold another fundraiser? Release a detailed, more comprehensive plan for healthcare? Or do you pick a fight with arguably the world's most popular music idol and her legions of devoted fans? If you're Donald Trump, you write all in caps, "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" and let the social media comments fly where they may..."

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Unaffiliated source article link: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2024/09/16/donald-trump-posts-i-hate-taylor-swift-truth-social-how-swifties-reacted-social-media-kamala-harris/75245832007/


Partial screen captured image, aggregate polling data as of 9/16/24. Linked to source:

P.S. Perhaps in addition to the above, just a very, very tiny sampling of some of the hateful/incendiary things that Donald Trump has said publicly (one way or another):

"Donald Trump 'suggested shooting migrants in the legs'"

"Trump Floats the Idea of Executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley"

"Trump mocks Pelosi family as he rallies conservative support in California"

"Most Republicans Think Trump's 'Eating the Pets' Debate Remarks Are 'Weird'"

...On and on, ad nauseum...

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Video clip discussing weirdo Donald Trump: Fringe loonies will (continue to) have access to him + influence should Trump somehow regain the White House

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

(↓Embedded copy, no affiliation:)

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed

Ref.: "Bigoted Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer Somehow Gains Access to Donald Trump



(↓Copy, no affiliation:)


P.S. ...Is the orange clown TRYING to lose (again)?? ..Sometimes it seems like it.  P.P.S. Remember when national politicians at least offered feeble attempts to talk about ISSUES + policy..?:


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

(Video/excerpt:) Re Donald Trump's terrifying 'Project 2025': "...That's right.. [Republicans] went ahead and wrote down all the extreme things that Donald Trump wants to do in the next four years. And then they just 'tweeted' it out. ...So: We read it!"

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

↓Reposted 8/19/24 video: "...We believe in a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Not the government of Donald Trump, by Donald Trump and for Donald Trump."

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.

MORE: "Trump’s vow to fire thousands of ‘crooked’ federal workers prompts alarm"




Oh, BTW:

YT video link. No copyright etc.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Reposted recent news report: "US border migrant crossings fall for fifth month in a row"

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Unaffiliated 8/1/24 source article link: 


From the article:

"The number of unlawful crossings by migrants at the US southern border has dropped for the fifth consecutive month, according to official data."


(Another article link) "USA’s Olympic team is bolstered by a crucial group of athletes: immigrants"


U.S. Republicans...(Image:) What's this, and what does it generally represent to many people worldwide?

Thursday, August 1, 2024

(Reposted book excerpts:) "...[Nancy] Pelosi writes, “I knew Donald Trump’s mental imbalance. I had seen it up close. His denial and then delays when the Covid pandemic struck, his penchant for repeatedly stomping out of meetings, his foul mouth, his pounding on tables, his temper tantrums, his disrespect for our nation’s patriots, and his total separation from reality and actual events. His repeated, ridiculous insistence that he was the greatest of all time.” "...He continues to be dangerous..."

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Unaffiliated source article link: "Doctors told Pelosi of concern for Trump’s mental health, ex-speaker says in book"


..↓Some mood music "inspired" by the insights above, plus today's various (- pretty terrible, that is -) news reports:

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Reposted article link, includes numerous pictures, videos: "DONALD TRUMP’S FIRST TERM IS A WARNING"

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

For consideration, New York Times opinion summary of Donald Trump's presidency, reposted link. (May or may not be paywalled.) Very much worth a review:


8/1/24 embed: A currently 'unlocked' version of the above:

Four brief article excerpts/samples:

"May 2018: Closes pandemic preparedness unit. The Trump White House abolishes the position of director for global health security and biodefense in the National Security Council less than two years before the Covid pandemic. Mr. Biden has created a pandemic preparedness unit, but Mr. Trump says he would abolish it again if re-elected.

05.08.2018: Unilaterally pulls out of the Iran nuclear deal. In 2019, after efforts to salvage the deal, Iran resumes high-level uranium enrichment; officials warn it now has enough material to make several nuclear bombs with further enrichment.

06.04.2018: “I have the absolute right to PARDON myself ....” Mr. Trump publicly floats the idea of pardoning himself, something he has reportedly been pondering since 2017. (Constitutional scholars do not agree on whether presidents may pardon themselves.)

07.16.2018: Sides with Vladimir Putin over American intelligence agencies on Russian election interference. Standing next to Russia’s president at a news conference in Helsinki, Finland, Mr. Trump says he got an “extremely strong and powerful” denial from Mr. Putin that his country had tried to influence the U.S. election. A reporter asks, “Who do you believe?” “I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia,” Mr. Trump responds, adding, “I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.”"




Sunday, July 14, 2024

Guns, guns, and more guns in America. Seems like just about every nut - and 20-year-old kid - can and does get them, easily. (Updated)

 (Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted. NOTE: Parental guidance suggested.)


(Developing news) 7/14/24 reports (links):

7/14/24 update. Partial screen-captured image, linked to source

(Comment:) ..Are you kidding me?? ..But then again , ANYONE in possession of an assault-style, weapon of war rifle ...is a potential THREAT ...to all:

(Off-site story link:)



P.S. (Comment) Compare and contrast the two men: At the time of the 7/13/24 assassination attempt, one leading presidential candidate was apparently making divisive, likely exaggerated remarks to a crowd...UPDATE: A link to a previously published fact-check of the immigration chart that Trump apparently was pointing to (on 7/13/24): 
..YEP: As usual, Trump was lying to ("misleading") his dupes at the moment he was shot at....

(Meanwhile:) ...The other main guy was (apparently)..... at church. Just sayin'. Think about it...:
