
(Unaffiliated source link for ↑quotation: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/millions-are-dying-unnecessarily-from-covid-because-of-selfishness-greed-and-a-perverse-misunderstanding-of-human-freedom-11631204120. Unaffiliated source for graffiti font: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/)

(Comment:) P.S. Know it: Donald Trump -- de facto ruler of virus anti-vaccine nut-jobs everywhere -- "privately" received a Covid vaccine shot at the White House in 2021: https://www.axios.com/trump-vaccinated-coronavirus-bd88b0fa-6a19-483d-8fd4-d949f23f25f9.html, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-01/trump-wife-quietly-got-white-house-shots-as-others-went-public

Friday, January 19, 2018

Women's March 2018

(Comment, temporary post:) I will be out demonstrating/showing support this weekend and I hope you will be too..
(Among other reasons:) ↓This↓ is the key demographic (..if you will..) for tossing out the gang of old, white, out-of-touch neanderthal-dudes currently ruining Washington. (Ref. poll below.)

(Associated link:) https://www.womensmarch.com/mission/


P.S. "Old, white, throwback neanderthal-dude", exhibit A. (Yes: More paid-for/paid-off women.....:)



(Source link)


(YT video link. No music/video copyright.)

Friday, January 12, 2018

"From Donald, to 'Stormy'....with love"

1/12/18 ...umm...'news' story. Unaffiliated source link:

Another report, no affiliation:  http://www.businessinsider.com/michael-cohen-paid-hush-money-to-porn-star-stormy-daniels-trump-2018-1

Brief excerpt from the second report
"President Donald Trump's top lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid $130,000 to a porn star so she wouldn't discuss an alleged 2006 sexual encounter with Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.
Stephanie Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, has said privately that the encounter happened at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, the report says."

...Yet more (1/16/18):  https://www.today.com/news/stormy-daniels-friend-says-trump-chased-


YT video link. No music.video copyright. No affiliation.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

1/11/18 -- Nope. The question is: Why did the U.S. elevate an a-hole to the presidency, who speaks loudly for (its) xenophobes and racists

(Brief commentary:) 

"President Unhinged/Hater/Racist" ...needs to be KICKED out. And soon...



..No plausible justification for the words reported (links below) --- though the Trump White House (yes, The White House...) DID:

(Unaffiliated real-news/commentary links:)


(BTW: The "president'"s prejudiced words spoken just before MLK day, too..
An update (1/12/18): The MLK nephew quoted in the linked story may have something of a point. Still no excusing the language reportedly used or apparent derogatory intent, IMO. Unaffiliated link: http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/12/politics/isaac-newton-farris-martin-luther-king-donald-trump/index.html)

Additional 1/12/18 update:

YT video link. No affiliation.

Another 1/12/18 update/insert: ...An unidentified 'friend' of the despot has reportedly claimed that Trump basically "loves" the controversy caused by his repugnant remark.  The reporter also indicated that someone described Trump as taking a (telephone call -- with supporters) "victory lap". 
---Do you really need any more of an indication that this jerk is... a jerk?!?


...And never forget who supports and enables "The A**-hole-in-Chief". 

Failure to (at minimum) denounce Trump (- really, in general -) equates to (at least) tacit support for his actions:

..It's 2018 (not 1818...): Have YOU taken a good look in your mirror lately....? (PLUS: How do you explain (or in any way justify) Donald Trump to America's children...?)

YT video link. No copyright or affiliation.

UPDATE -- ↓Yeah...."you reap what you sow", "..what goes around comes around", or something along those lines:


A later story (link) about this, including Trump's latest lie: 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A must read...

I don't know at this point how long this tiny little blog will last. We'll see...

Thanks to any and all readers here so far. And here's something suggested for all to take a bit of time with and consider:


(Unaffiliated 1/6/18 article link)


The rest of the world assesses the 'very stable genius' of Donald Trump. (Via an edited video)

(..Surrogate YT video, edited. No copyright claimed or implied.)

(YT video link. No affiliation)


(Reference. (Copy:))

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Never forget.

Never forget.  (All of..)↓The guilty (enablers):↓

REFERENCE: (Copy, 1/6/18)

(Related: Unaffiliated 1/6/18 news article link, "Trump explains tweets on his mental state")




1/7/18 screen-captured image copy, no affiliation:

(Source link)