
(Unaffiliated source link for ↑quotation: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/millions-are-dying-unnecessarily-from-covid-because-of-selfishness-greed-and-a-perverse-misunderstanding-of-human-freedom-11631204120. Unaffiliated source for graffiti font: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/)

(Comment:) P.S. Know it: Donald Trump -- de facto ruler of virus anti-vaccine nut-jobs everywhere -- "privately" received a Covid vaccine shot at the White House in 2021: https://www.axios.com/trump-vaccinated-coronavirus-bd88b0fa-6a19-483d-8fd4-d949f23f25f9.html, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-01/trump-wife-quietly-got-white-house-shots-as-others-went-public

Friday, November 23, 2018

GOP on climate: 'I'm not listening.....I can't hear you'...: LALALALALALALALALALALAllalalalalalalaahhhh

(Commentary, including reposted material follows below. Temporarily posted. A BLOGGER NOTE: Though it's a potentially impossible task (as in...some reading would be required), I'm not getting through (here) to a large segment of the U.S. population: Fox "news" viewers. As a quixotic exercise I may attempt a semi-regular column at another, possibly more prominent web platform.. Tentative (partial) column title: "Facts and Friends: Can a fact hurt me?". ..Will provide a link for any interested if/when that happens...P.S. It's important to hear 'the rest of us', Fox "news"-ers: You just lost the midterm elections (in essence). (I know you haven't heard much about that....))

Link: Off-site 11/23/18 article...citing a just-released U.S. government report: "Climate Change Is Already Hurting U.S. Communities...."

Another article: "Climate Change Will Shrink U.S. Economy and Kill Thousands --- Government Report"

Brief excerpt from the first story above:
"Climate change is already causing more frequent and severe weather across the U.S., and the country is poised to suffer massive damage to infrastructure, ecosystems, health and the economy if global warming is allowed to continue, according to the most comprehensive federal climate report to date....
...."Climate change is already affecting every part of the United States, almost every sector of the United States, be it agriculture or forestry or energy, tourism," says George Mason University professor Andrew Light, who is one of the report's editors. "It's going to hurt cities, it's going to hurt people in the countryside, and, as the world continues to warm, things are going to get worse.""
Related 11/23/18 article link:  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-change-report-timing-release-al-gore-says-trump-administration-seeks-to-bury-climate-report-2018-11-23/

11/27/18 update: Trump/Trump admin.: LALALALALlallalalalallaala..."I don't see it"...."I don't believe it"
12/2/18 update (news article link):  "G-20 Leaders Agree to Fix Trade System, While Only 19 Agree on Paris Climate Accord"

(..A little something from NASA (image is linked to source)..)


Off-site 11/23/18 article link:

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.


(11/22/18 copy:)

(Associated article link: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12165130)


(YT video link. No copyright claimed, assumed.)


Another song (primarily) for Donald -- and too many elected/appointed Republicans...

People like myself, we have very high levels of intelligence but we’re not necessarily such believers.’

YT video link. No copyright claimed, assumed..

YT video link. No copyright claimed, assumed.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

This just in: Donald Trump is a disgrace

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted. 
Parental discretion suggested: Vulgar language follows (via public record) from the President of the United States of America:)


More: 11/18/18 "news" article: http://fortune.com/2018/11/18/trump-adam-schiff-tweet/

            11/19/18 reposted commentary/analysis article link:




WHO's the sh**-head, again..?? 






Sunday, November 11, 2018

Bad news...good news....

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)




11/11/18 news article link: "Putin's favorite congressman loses seat"

Friday, November 9, 2018

Suggested: It's slowly beginning to unravel for Donald Trump..(P.S. So is he..)

(Commentary, including reposted material Temporarily posted.)

(..The second part of the reposted video below is from Friday, 11/9/18:)

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed. No affiliation.)

Related 11/9/18 article (link): https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/09/us/politics/matthew-whitaker-donald-trump.html


More:..Reposted news article links re Trump 'lackey'/appointee Matthew Whitaker, and also new reporting (same source) about Trump-Michael Cohen-"hush money" payments ..to Trump "women":




(Another off-site 11/7/18 article link: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/11/post-midterms-trump-is-in-a-bad-mood)


Friday, November 2, 2018

Repost: Massachusetts governor and challenger are asked to describe Donald Trump...

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

...in three words (during their televised debate). (Current Republican governor Charlie Baker is shown on the left side of the screen:) Yes: Some of the subsequent questions (video) are fairly ridiculous....

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.)


4 days to go: (..Although some recounts/runoffs may be required in close races...)
(Please vote, if you haven't already done so..)

Aggregated poll data as of 11/2/18. Source link

Thursday, November 1, 2018

(Updated) If you can't see through the following "Trumped-up" fear and hate tactic for what it is....

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)
....you're a Donald Trump ..umm.. 'supporter'. (I.e.: Exactly who and what he wants, needs....to advance his "brand" of evil and hate.)
Ref.: 11/1/18 "news" report:

Another: https://www.newsweek.com/trump-launches-racist-ad-conflating-caravan-migrants-convicted-cop-murderer-1196067
Update: Reposted commentary/analysis article link: "Donald Trump didn't tell the truth 83 times in 1 day"


 A separate article excerpt:
" ...The word "invasion" has been invoked more than 100 times this month on both Fox News and its sister channel, Fox Business Network, to describe the migrants....In one segment after another, Fox commentators have raised fears that terrorists are heading toward the border, that the migrants might be carrying diseases and that the group is actually part of a conspiracy orchestrated by liberal billionaire George Soros..."
Source article link


(A fact-based counterpoint, reposted:)

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.)


5 days to go...:

Image copy. Aggregated polling data as of 11/1/18:

(Source link)