(Reposted video, 3/4/25) ↓How a real, actual leader -- and human being -- speaks:

Temporarily left on autoplay (some viewers). YT video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L_UFqNKoGQ&ab_channel=BNNBloomberg

↓(Reposted 2/28/25, no affiliation:)

😱😱😱The ranting, unhinged orange clown on the right (video) -- spewing lies in support of Putin -- has the nuclear launch codes (..unless he turned those over to Musk, too..) 😱😱😱

More (off-site link:) "Tears and shock in Ukraine and Europe after heated Zelensky-Trump meeting"

Unaffiliated 2/23/25 source article:https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20250223176/warren-buffett-warning-of-scoundrels-and-fiscal-folly-slashes-his-exposure-to-us-stocks

2/9/25 article excerpt:

"..The second Trump administration’s brazen pattern of blowing through myriad apparent legal limits has prompted debate about its intentions. One theory is that it is deliberately setting up test cases that would ultimately pave the way for the Supreme Court’s Republican-appointed supermajority to expand presidential power by striking down the statutes as unconstitutional.

But the escalating pace of courtroom clashes has raised the question of what would happen if Mr. Trump simply started ignoring decisions he did not like, rather than appealing them. The result would be a constitutional crisis."

Unaffiliated source link: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/09/us/politics/vance-trump-federal-courts-executive-order.html

2/10/25 update: "Judge finds Trump administration violated court order halting funding freeze"(Off-site link:) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-finds-trump-administration-violated-court-order-halting-funding-rcna191528

(>>>>A couple of suggested links for taking some action. No direct affiliation here: https://democracyforward.org/, and, https://www.fiftyfifty.one/)

...Selected 2/2025 polling result: "Overwhelming majority of Americans say Trump should follow federal court rulings"
(Source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2025/02/20/trump-poll-unpopular-post-ipsos/)

↑Public domain photo, edited. "Office of Speaker Mike Johnson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons"

(↑Public domain image copy, edited)

(↑Public domain image copy, edited)
↓↓↓Copy, no affiliation:

P.S. Re ongoing Trump lies..Crime is generally DOWN in the U.S.: : "New FBI statistics show continued drop in US crime in first six months of 2024"
(Trump inaugural partial quote:)

Reposted 1/21/25 news story (link): "Trump grants sweeping pardon of Jan. 6 defendants, including rioters who violently attacked police"
'“We won in a landslide,” Trump claims, again. In fact, he won the popular vote by just 1.5 percentage points, one of the smallest margins of victory since the 19th century."
Unaffiliated source link for ↑quotation: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/12/16/us/trump-news/65fa139e-2785-5caa-9e35-272e582b00b1?smid=url-share. Also: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html
P.S. 12/2024: ..The unhinged person that so many actually chose to vote for. (Link) ..Spewing out hate and screwball insults -- on Christmas no less -- isn't "normal", decent or sane. It's SICK in the head, most likely. (..Parental discretion suggested): https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113716074695799383
↓↓↓↓ 11/2024.... NOPE:

(Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/thomas_jefferson_135369
Unaffiliated source for graffiti font: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/....REMINDER: How the 10 most highly educated U.S. states voted (overall) in 2024: https://donaldwontlast.blogspot.com/2024/11/headline-rubio-democrats-lost-election.html)
"...a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens."


Saturday, March 24, 2018

"Hey, Hey NRA (leadership)..........."

(Temporary post. Commentary:)

(Update/insert: What the President of the United States -- who is a disgrace -- did on (that) Saturday. Two news report links: 



(YT video link)


(YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended)


3/24/18 -- From the march: She decries gun violence↓...


Insert: Hilarious...: https://www.theonion.com/millions-of-americans-march-nationwide-against-gun-viol-1824092456



Thursday, March 22, 2018

Examined: Our 71-year-old current President of the United States brags that the 75-year-old former U.S. Vice President "would go down fast and hard, crying..." -- in an imaginary fight


...Things are getting really weird here in the U.S.A. 3/22/18 story link: 

(YT video link. No affiliation.)



...The former Vice President looks like he's lost a little weight while enjoying island life:

..He's lately been brushing up on his footwork though. (The lamps look like skull faces:)

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended.)

...Exclusive video of the other world leader-dude:

(YT video link. No copyright, affiliation or endorsement.)


(YT video link. No copyright etc.)


↓Reposted 'bonus' videos...for the hell of it!:

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


(Commentary, temporarily posted:)
Ref.: 3/20/18 real-news story, link: 

(Copy↓; no affiliation with this tiny blog:)

3/21/18 update: Apparently Trump's predecessors also called Putin after Russia "elections". (Pls. see link below.) Brief commentary follows:

Would they have called/congratulated Putin given more recent circumstances? 
E.g., After the U.S. intelligence community stated with confidence that Russia actively interfered in 2016 U.S. elections? Would they have congratulated Putin shortly after Great Britain's leader (U.S. ally) has accused Russia of poisoning two people in Salisbury, England? Would they have offered "election" congratulations even with (reported) footage of Russian ballot-box-"stuffing" and other irregularities widely available? .. Would they congratulate the Russian dictator who only recently (publicly) bragged of new "invincible" weapons capable of destroying the United States?

You can answer those questions for yourself...I've formulated my own.
(Hint: ...Actions (should) have consequences. Circumstances matter.
It's a weasel's argument to "justify" current actions by citing comparison to those of predecessors -- from a different time. ...It is the "argument"/response/smoke-screen of a NON-leader..)

(Article link:) http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2018/mar/21/did-donald-trumps-predecessors-congratulate-vladim/


(YT video link. No music/video copyright claimed or intended.)


(YT video link)


(↓Trump's new White House gallery portrait↓ -- for history to remember him appropriately:)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Young people much wiser than many of their elders

...Much respect for the perception, wisdom -- and courage -- demonstrated by the two high school students via the following news story:
(Link, no affiliation:)  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/david-hogg-emma-gonzalez-parkland-florida-shooting-survivors-nra-threats/

(An excerpt (..which happens to match my own perception.).Well-said; good understanding:)

"...Asked about the NRA's response to their movement, Hogg responded: "I think it just goes to prove what exactly they are. I don't think NRA members are bad people at all. I think they're responsible gun owners that want to become politically active and make their voices heard in this democracy, and I think that's an excellent thing. 
"I think the problem comes in when it's people at the top of this organization that don't listen to their constituents and continue to scare people into buying more guns, creating more violence, so they can scare more people and sell more guns," he continued. "The people at the top of the NRA are no longer working for the people that are in their organization. They're working on behalf of the gun lobby." 


Exactly. This IS what is going to happen...:

(Commentary, including reposted commentary:)

As noted, President 'David Dennison'/Trump has caused "the gloves to come off".

Time, effort, due process, overcoming Republican sycophants, etc. will be required, but:
(Copy. link to source. )

The decent, the sane, those who respect and uphold the law, etc., etc. will ultimately prevail.

(Source link)


(..Or (eventually, after the battles) I'm off to (revisit my fragment-Viking roots in) Norway. Or, maybe Canada. Perhaps Mars.)

(YT video link. No music/video copyright claimed or intended. Link to a vinyl version.)


Sunday, March 18, 2018

So lazy that you consider Facebook your primary "window to the world"? You're owned:

((..So then you're probably not reading this, but....) Commentary, including reposted material:)

Reposted 3/17/18 real-news article links. (No affiliation, copyright etc.:)

One article excerpt:
 "Christopher Wylie, who helped found Cambridge and worked there until late 2014, said of its leaders: “Rules don’t matter for them. For them, this is a war, and it’s all fair.”
“They want to fight a culture war in America,” he added. “Cambridge Analytica was supposed to be the arsenal of weapons to fight that culture war.....”
 "....Cambridge paid to acquire the personal information through an outside researcher who, Facebook says, claimed to be collecting it for academic purposes."


Add 'The Mercers', below↓:

(Reposted, screen-captured image. Link to source. No affilaition.)


..Who DOESN'T need some kind of laugh after the revelations (..for many of us..), above....
Reposted video:

(YT video link)

Friday, March 16, 2018

For now: Coupla songs ref. the Don + Stormy thing. (Updated)

(3/16/18 commentary, temporarily posted:)

Ref.: Recent news items, links:


3/16/18 update:

↓Ahhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....↓HAH!↓  .......What a joke! ..The never-ending Trump circus debuts a new and improved show:

(Image copy, a previous court document:)

....Via his ridiculous ("$20 million-dollar..") lawsuit (see news story links further below),  our current, sitting President of The United States of America, "David Dennison" Trump ..publicly acknowledges past ...ummm.."involvement" with porn star Stormy Daniels! 

..His own (i.e., the "president's") White House press secretary previously denied all "allegations"...

(YT video link. No copyright claimed, intended.)

3/16/18 news article links:



'Stormy's' lawyer (who is PERFECT for all of this, BTW), responds:


Insert: Tiny-blog commandment: Any and all future posts pertaining to 'David Dennison'/Donald J. Trump shall either begin or end with the following screen-captured image:

(Source link)


..Even Frank came back to sing on this one (see further below) ...No music/video copyright claimed or intended, embedded songs:

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(YT video link)

(Repeat request:)

(YT video link.)

(↓News video from earlier on 3/16/18↓. ...Beautiful Stormy...↑oh Stormy....(..always knows exactly where that camera is..)........bring back that sunny day....for ALL of us, baby!)

(YT video link)


(YT video link)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Repost: Trump brags of being a deliberate liar -- even when (he's) representing the United States.

(Commentary, including reposted news story material. (No copyright claimed or intended.):)

3/15/18 pertinent news story link, no affiliation: 

Article excerpt, reportedly from a 3/14/18 Trump speech to donors:
 “Trudeau came to see me. He’s a good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, we have no trade deficit with you, we have none. Donald, please,’ ” Trump said, mimicking Trudeau, according to audio of the private event in Missouri obtained by The Washington Post. “Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in — ‘Donald, we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very proud because everybody else, you know, we’re getting killed.
“... So, he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’ I said, ‘Well, in that case, I feel differently,’ I said, ‘but I don’t believe it.’ I sent one of our guys out, his guy, my guy, they went out, I said, ‘Check, because I can’t believe it.’.....
.....The Office of the United States Trade Representative says the United States has a trade surplus with Canada. It reports that in 2016, the United States exported $12.5 billion more in goods and services than it imported from Canada, leading to a trade surplus, not a deficit."...

3/15/18: The Liar-in-Chief doesn't back down from his latest whopper:





(YT video link. No music /video copyright claimed.)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blog break: The epitome of toughness, consistency...and class, Joe Thomas

Future Hall-of-Famer Joe Thomas of the Cleveland Browns retires. Logged 10,363 consecutive (offensive) snaps (i.e., plays), considered the longest consecutive play-streak in NFL history. 10 Pro Bowls (successive) in 11 seasons....

Part of his 3/14/18 statement, excerpted:

"From the moment I was drafted, the city embraced me in a way that I could never fully describe. I am proud to call Cleveland home. The loyalty and passion of the fans is unmatched and it was an honor to play in front of them [for] the past 11 years. I would like to thank all of the coaches, teammates, staff, fans and everyone who has shown me support throughout my career. Even though I will be hanging up my cleats, I will always be a Cleveland Brown...."
(Source link)

(Comment:) IF Cleveland had a Joe Thomas(-caliber player (etc.)) at every position (during his career) -- or even half of them -- they would have been in the Super Bowl EVERY YEAR.

P.S. We definitely have not heard the last of Joe:


Not gonna happen: If only ↓this ass↓ would (somehow) take some man-lessons/human-being lessons from Joe ...and/or those similar to him...:

(One sample, of many:)

(YT video link)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Being "loyal" (to the president) should not be a central qualification for Secretary of State or any other cabinet or agency leadership position

(3/13/18 initial commentary.)

....unless (they) all report to an autocrat... a tyrant. (Or someone who believes that he is...)  

(Rhetorical:) What ever happened to... most-qualified for the job?

3/13/18 news report (link is below); Trump fires Secretary of State Rex Tillerson -- apparently (at least publicly?) via a 'Tweet':

(News story link:) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rex-tillerson-fired-trump-tweet-secretary-of-state-today-cia-director-mike-pompeo-replace-2018-03-13/

Update: More confirmation (links below) that Rex Tillerson learned of his actual firing via the president's public tweet, above. ...Making that a no-class, gutless move by Trump, if true.

More:  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rex-tillersons-ouster-how-it-unfolded/



Comment: Regular departures -- of various kinds -- are "normal" ...for the Trump-Chaos administration. But watch for more "firings" etc. in the near-future, perhaps especially if Pennsylvania Republican Saccone LOSES his race.

(No affiliation here.)


Rex Tillerson: Eagle Scout:

(YT video link. No affiliation.)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Repost: "The stupidification of America..."


(Yet more..) Worthy commentary from syndicated columnist/Pulitzer prize winner Leonard Pitts, reposted below. (No affiliation or association with this tiny blog, of course...)
..The only small item that some might add is that: Even though it may indeed take a long time to rectify the nation's apparent (general) "stupidification", those who are (in fact still) reasonably able, educated, experienced, involved, etc. should continue to make their thoughts and feelings known. ..Especially important to try to speak up now, and also going forward. There may be some  (- i.e., the not unhinged (vs. those described in the story - ) who may listen... at least a little.

(3/10/18 L. Pitts article link:)



...Uhhhh, then again......:


(Copy↓. No affiliation:)

Friday, March 9, 2018

FWIW: I volunteer to be a member of the urgently-needed on-site team specifically tasked with reining-in rogue President Trump

(Commentary. (Apologies for the misuse of 'reigning' in earlier versions.):)

An uncontrolled, impulsive, unthinking, chaoticrouge president? 

(Add: Historically unpopular. (News story links:)  http://time.com/5103776/donald-trump-approval-rating-graph/, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2018/01/18/one-year-in-to-trumps-presidency-the-worlds-citizens-give-u-s-leadership-a-record-low-rating/)

Perhaps a few recent examples (ref. above). Published recent news/news analysis/news commentary article links. No affiliation with this tiny blog:









....Etc., etc...




Reining-in Trump: At this point it's apparent that we cannot rely upon U.S. Republicans -- currently in control of both houses of Congress -- or the revolving cadre of White House staffers and advisors -- to do the necessary job....(Oh, and this other dude↓ obviously is completely worthless for the task..:)

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended.)

The primary suggested "remedy" here is to elect many more Democrats to national office, as soon as possible. Beginning with the 2018 mid-term elections. (Please VOTE!)
...Perhaps the more-sane among us can gain a "foothold" by at least turning one house of Congress into a better "check" upon rogue President Trump.
 Also, please keep saying some prayers that Special Counsel Mueller et al remain both able and willing to follow the money, the Russians, whatever and whoever...and get their job(s) done. Soon (we hope).
Update/comment, ref. above: Pretty good↓...though it's hard (for me) to stomach watching "The (Really Dumb) Bachelor" even in parody:

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended.)

Also: "Let 'Stormy' speak". 

(YT video link. No copyright, affiliation, etc.)

My remaining suggestion - at this point - involves steps described in the following link. 

Sign me up for that team, pronto. (I'm certain many ready- and willing-volunteers are available...):

(Unaffiliated link. No association with this tiny blog, no endorsement expressed or implied:)


(Brief excerpt, emphasis added:)

"2.) Have a plan.
Once everyone is there, huddle up and decide exactly what your going to do and when you’re going to do it. Who’s going to lay hands on the patient first? Who’s second?
A whole bunch of people won’t do you much good if nobody knows what they’re doing. I assign people to limbs. You grab his left arm, you control his right leg, I’ll control his head. If were talking about someone big, assign two people to each limb. Don’t forget to assign a floater to hold the pram and fasten the straps.
This should go without saying but, once you have a job, do your job. Trust the other folks on the team to do their job......" 


P.S. ...Something to consider (ref. articles below) for those "happy" with "Trump's economy". (It's really also Obama's, BTW  -- though no president alone "rules" the U.S. economy...):





Thursday, March 8, 2018

Additional insight: (Part of) How some slick, smarmy people (sometimes) win


Revealing reporting re Trump's Russia dealings in 2013. Reposted.

3/8/18 article (link), published in Mother Jones. No affiliation:



Reposted video. (Hoping viewers have a strong stomach..:)

(YT video link. No video copyright claimed. No affiliation.)

(YT video link. No copyright, etc.)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

With apologies to the former president, who never did/would likely never do anything remotely like this......


....(As a hypothetical comparison...) Substitute the name '(Barack) Obama' into the following real-news story excerpts, below. (I.e., instead of 'Trump'.)

Rhetorical: What would U.S. Republicans be doing if President Obama somehow allegedly did anything like the following..?? 

...With accused philanderer (etc.) Trump in office -- they are (essentially) silent and do NOTHING:

3/7/18 story excerpt, source is linked below:
"President Trump’s lawyer secretly obtained a temporary restraining order last week to prevent a pornographic film star from speaking out about her alleged affair with Mr. Trump, according to legal documents and interviews....
 ....The details of the order emerged on Wednesday after the White House’s spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said that Mr. Trump’s lawyer had won an arbitration proceeding against Ms. Clifford, who goes by the name of Stormy Daniels.
 Ms. Sanders’s statement put the White House in the middle of a story that Mr. Trump and his lawyer had been trying to keep quiet for well over a year. The turn of events created the spectacle of a sitting president using legal maneuvers to avoid further scrutiny of salacious accusations of an affair and a payoff involving the porn star....."

-- Source article link. (No copyright claimed or intended, No affiliation.)

Another 3/7/18 news article excerpt:

"President Donald Trump's lawyer is trying to silence adult-film star Stormy Daniels, obtaining a secret restraining order in a private arbitration proceeding and warning that she will face penalties if she publicly discusses a relationship with the president, NBC News has learned.....
"...Reached for comment late Wednesday afternoon, Clifford's current attorney, Michael Avenatti, said Cohen, through his own attorney, Lawrence Rosen, has made further attempts to enforce the order and caution Clifford that she is subject to damages if she talks about Trump.
"Earlier today, Mr. Cohen through his attorney, Mr. Rosen, further threatened my client in an effort to prevent her from telling the truth about what really happened," Avenatti said. "We do not take kindly to these threats, nor we will be intimidated.""
-- Source article link. (No copyright claimed or intended, No affiliation.)


(Copies. No affiliation:)

"The Cartoonist/Hack America Turns To..."

Brief excerpts (attempting to) describe The Onion's "Stan Kelly". Unaffiliated sources are linked, (the complete articles are worth a read..):

"...perhaps no working cartoonist today feels more dusty than Stan Kelly, the intentionally stodgy wag for the Onion who pontificates with an old-school visual style and a mothballed mind."


“....Part of what I really like about Kelly is the way he reacts to things,” Sutton said. “His reactions are always wrong...."


(You'll need to go here (link) to view today's full cartoon:)

BTW:...Who  (in heaven) is "Holmes", below↓?  Is that the jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes?
         ..With no shirt on...???

(Screen-captured partial image. No copyright claimed or intended:)


(YT video link. No content copyright claimed, affiliation etc.)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

"..(He) is referring Kellyanne Conway's violations for President Trump's "consideration of appropriate disciplinary action"'..??? Ahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha&ha!

(Brief, initial commentary, incl. off-site, unaffiliated published story links:) 

...The "president" whose stance is that he is above the law..?? 
..Who has (at various times) surrounded himself with felons, sycophants, cheaters, liers, anarchists...Russian dupes....ETC.??


Ref. this post's title: Pertinent 3/6/18 real-news article links.  (P.S. Oh.. ↓This is some kind of... surprise?? Big news?? ..Doesn't something similar happen (...let's guess....) weekly from the Trump admin.?):


(YT video link. Contains a bad word. No copyright claimed or intended.)







Monday, March 5, 2018


(Commentary. Temporary post. No affiliation with news sources:)




(YT video link)

(YT video link)



Thursday, March 1, 2018

3/1: Both of these news stories are at least a little scary in their own ways...

Two 3/1/18 news article links. (No affiliation;)



Excerpt from the first article (ref.: V. Putin:)

"...He said that the U.S. has ignored Russian complaints.
"No one has listened to us," he said. "You listen to us now."
He said the new weapons will help ensure global stability and draw a line under attempts to weaken Russia....."


Quick comment and initial analysis, including from other (unaffiliated) sources:

1. Vladimir Putin often acts like a thug; a nuclear-armed thug.

2. ...'Suggest' he also pay close attention to "what's going on" internally, i.e., inside the vast country that he rules..



Is a more-isolated Donald Trump increasingly feeling "cornered"? Adrift?




