(Reposted video, 3/4/25) ↓How a real, actual leader -- and human being -- speaks:

Temporarily left on autoplay (some viewers). YT video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L_UFqNKoGQ&ab_channel=BNNBloomberg

↓(Reposted 2/28/25, no affiliation:)

😱😱😱The ranting, unhinged orange clown on the right (video) -- spewing lies in support of Putin -- has the nuclear launch codes (..unless he turned those over to Musk, too..) 😱😱😱

More (off-site link:) "Tears and shock in Ukraine and Europe after heated Zelensky-Trump meeting"

Unaffiliated 2/23/25 source article:https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20250223176/warren-buffett-warning-of-scoundrels-and-fiscal-folly-slashes-his-exposure-to-us-stocks

2/9/25 article excerpt:

"..The second Trump administration’s brazen pattern of blowing through myriad apparent legal limits has prompted debate about its intentions. One theory is that it is deliberately setting up test cases that would ultimately pave the way for the Supreme Court’s Republican-appointed supermajority to expand presidential power by striking down the statutes as unconstitutional.

But the escalating pace of courtroom clashes has raised the question of what would happen if Mr. Trump simply started ignoring decisions he did not like, rather than appealing them. The result would be a constitutional crisis."

Unaffiliated source link: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/09/us/politics/vance-trump-federal-courts-executive-order.html

2/10/25 update: "Judge finds Trump administration violated court order halting funding freeze"(Off-site link:) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-finds-trump-administration-violated-court-order-halting-funding-rcna191528

(>>>>A couple of suggested links for taking some action. No direct affiliation here: https://democracyforward.org/, and, https://www.fiftyfifty.one/)

...Selected 2/2025 polling result: "Overwhelming majority of Americans say Trump should follow federal court rulings"
(Source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2025/02/20/trump-poll-unpopular-post-ipsos/)

↑Public domain photo, edited. "Office of Speaker Mike Johnson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons"

(↑Public domain image copy, edited)

(↑Public domain image copy, edited)
↓↓↓Copy, no affiliation:

P.S. Re ongoing Trump lies..Crime is generally DOWN in the U.S.: : "New FBI statistics show continued drop in US crime in first six months of 2024"
(Trump inaugural partial quote:)

Reposted 1/21/25 news story (link): "Trump grants sweeping pardon of Jan. 6 defendants, including rioters who violently attacked police"
'“We won in a landslide,” Trump claims, again. In fact, he won the popular vote by just 1.5 percentage points, one of the smallest margins of victory since the 19th century."
Unaffiliated source link for ↑quotation: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/12/16/us/trump-news/65fa139e-2785-5caa-9e35-272e582b00b1?smid=url-share. Also: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html
P.S. 12/2024: ..The unhinged person that so many actually chose to vote for. (Link) ..Spewing out hate and screwball insults -- on Christmas no less -- isn't "normal", decent or sane. It's SICK in the head, most likely. (..Parental discretion suggested): https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113716074695799383
↓↓↓↓ 11/2024.... NOPE:

(Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/thomas_jefferson_135369
Unaffiliated source for graffiti font: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/....REMINDER: How the 10 most highly educated U.S. states voted (overall) in 2024: https://donaldwontlast.blogspot.com/2024/11/headline-rubio-democrats-lost-election.html)
"...a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens."


Monday, September 24, 2018

Major U.S. retailers warn that "tariffs will raise prices and hurt families" (Updated)

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

...Do any shopping at Walmart and/or Target?  Buy P&G products? (Etc., etc.?) 
Get ready for (more of) the Trump "tariff tax" on U.S. consumers:

(Off-site real-news/analyses article links:)

Update: Recent articles (links):











All basically because Donald Trump is an angry, insecure individual, trying to appear "tough":



Tuesday, September 18, 2018

..Of course we're the perfect expert authorities to ascertain the truth about a woman's Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault allegation:

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted. Parental guidance suggested:)

9/23/18 update - Recent poll numbers re the Kavanaugh nomination:

A few available "candids".......... (pls. see below for more..)

(from above)..........of the eleven Republican male Senate Judiciary Committee members. ....Who apparently may be primary "investigators" of Professor Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault allegation.

(..Some new 'stuff' (9/18/18). Copy:)


More 'fair and impartial' Republicans/Republican operatives:

Off-site 9/18/18 article link: https://www.businessinsider.com/conservative-activists-promote-fake-news-about-kavanaugh-accuser-2018-9


↓A statement (below) exactly as one might expect from a first-hand authority on sexual assault (allegations):
"I feel so badly for him that he’s going through this....This is not a man that deserves this..."

(↓Parental guidance suggested:)

(YT video link. No copyright.)

P.S. ..Trump calls for other FBI investigations....Off-site link:

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Are you tired of all this "winning" yet?? (Slightly updated)

(Commentary, including reposted material, temporarily posted. Parental guidance suggested:)

(YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended. Some profanity etc. is included above.)

9/7/18 update -- Trump to supporters: It will be "your fault"... if I get impeached...

(9/6/18:) Breaking out (i.e., reposting) a bit of blog commentary (below) from yesterday's post. 
(... You know, (link) everyone's a critic these days. ..Can't be about me though... I definitely know I'm not an "f-ing" ...idiot:)
"P.S. Note: Trump/GOP "accomplishments" ( -- the Obama admin. deserves some credit for economic recovery --) ..have come at the expense of (yes ..among other things):

The environment, climate change, immigrant children, rule of law, appeasement of dictatorslong-time U.S. allies, the U.S. deficit, more-equitable health care, truth in general, national unityrace "relations", (likely-)illicit sexual misconduct -- plus nefarious cover-up (of the same).... and (BTW,) democracy itself."

(Copy, 9/6/18)
(Copy, reposted:)

A post shared by The New Yorker Cartoons (@newyorkercartoons) on

(9/7/18 screen-captured image. Link to source. FWIW: Remember, a number of national polls were "basically correct" in the 2016 presidential election, as they indicated Hillary winning the popular vote....:)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

(Updated:) Brief initial commentary: Yeah, Bob Woodward...THAT Bob Woodward....made it all up.

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted:)

9/5/18 temporary update/insert:  "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration", an anonymous opinion article appearing in The New York Times. (Off-site link:) 

(↑"OMG"..(if genuine))


(P.S. The article writer is clearly Mike Pence...)  
JK...(that's impossible...)


9/5/18 brief, dashed-off commentary re the NYT article, above (Re-edited for clarity, 'typos', etc.):

As many others have noted: It should not be the presumed responsibility of unnamed, unelected "officials" inside the current administration -- or in the military -- to "thwart", "contain", or "steer" a president (away) from questionable actions. We have a congress, with impeachment and other legislative powers. We (also) have a 25th amendment. We have public freedom of expression, including that of the many who have vociferously opposed the current regime and its actions. (FWIW, we have an elected Vice President, who -- perhaps more typically -- could add a measure of influence or counter-balance (as needed) to a presidency.)

Unfortunately, the U.S presently has a Republican-controlled Congress whose leaders have apparently decided to appease, acquiesce-to and/or ignore their president's exploits -- mainly to ensure, well... partial success of an agenda. It seems essentially one-party rule at the moment.

The anonymous author above has probably succeeded in riling-up mercurial President Trump further, making him even more angry, desperate, and isolated -- even from those in his own administration.. I don't know what reactions we will witness but many would doubt they'll be measured, thought-out, etc.:

(Here, BTW, is a hope and a prayer that the nation does not face a truly serious crisis in the days and weeks ahead...(One 'hint'(?): Don't look at current, early hurricane model "plots", if you're prone to (advance) worrying (about such things).))

November 6th's election day is still a ways off. Much can -- and will -- happen in the interim. One thing appears increasingly certain, however: This will be (another) one of the most significant elections in years. Given (variousconsequences thus far of Trump-plus-Republican "one-party rule", the immediate future of (at least) aspects of the republic most know could be at stake.  ....And perhaps even your own general well-being, too. 

Please be sure to VOTE.

P.S. Note: Trump/GOP "accomplishments" (..the Obama admin. 'deserves' some credit for economic recovery..) have come at (..or with) the expense of (yes ..among other things)
The environment, climate change, immigrant children, rule of law, appeasing dictatorslong-time U.S. allies, the U.S. deficit, more equitable health care, truth in general, national unityrace "relations", (likely-)illicit sexual misconduct -- plus nefarious cover-up (of the same).... and (BTW,) democracy itself.

(Copy, 9/6/18)
(Previously posted material:)

Reposting a couple initial, reported ('leaked') excerpts from Bob Woodward's soon-to-be-released "chronicle" of the Trump regime, Fear: Trump in the White House. (Unaffiliated sources are linked:)
"He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in crazytown......"I don't even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had."
-- Attributed to Chief of Staff John Kelly (of Trump, during a staff meeting)

Note: Kelly has (apparently) denied he said those words:

"This guy is mentally retarded..." "He's this dumb southerner...."
-- Attributed to Donald Trump, (speaking) of Attorney General Jeff Sessions

An excerpt from the linked 9/4/18 CNN story:
"...Cohn was not alone. Former staff secretary Rob Porter worked with Cohn and used the same tactic on multiple occasions, Woodward writes. In addition to literally stealing or hiding documents from Trump's desk, they sought to stall and delay decisions or distract Trump from orders they thought would endanger national security.
"A third of my job was trying to react to some of the really dangerous ideas that he had and try to give him reasons to believe that maybe they weren't such good ideas," said Porter, who as staff secretary handled the flow of presidential papers until he quit amid domestic violence allegations. He and others acted with the acquiescence of former chief of staff Reince Priebus, Woodward reports.
Woodward describes repeated attempts to bypass Trump as "no less than an administrative coup d'état."..."

9/4/18 update: (Link) More White House denials, attacks regarding the book's published excerpts:

9/5/18 update: Yes, the following point-of-view may need to be acknowledged, as roughly 40% of the country "buys" it (..more or less). Off-site link:


For (- straightforward, at least somewhat objective -) reference. One excerpt from Bob Woodward's Wikipedia entry:

"...Although not a recipient in his own right, Woodward made crucial contributions to two Pulitzer Prizes won by The Washington Post. First, he and Bernstein were the lead reporters on Watergate and the Post won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 1973. He was also the main reporter for the Post's coverage of the September 11 attacks in 2001. The Post won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting for 10 of its stories on the subject.

Woodward himself has been a recipient of nearly every major American journalism award, including the Heywood Broun award (1972), Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Reporting (1972 and 1986), Sigma Delta Chi Award (1973), George Polk Award (1972), William Allen White Medal (2000), and the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Reporting on the Presidency (2002). In 2012, Colby College presented Woodward with the Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award for courageous journalism as well as an honorary doctorate.

Woodward has authored or co-authored 18 nonfiction books in the past 35 years. All 18 have been national bestsellers and 12 of them have been No. 1 national nonfiction bestsellers—more No. 1 national nonfiction bestsellers than any contemporary author.

In his 1995 memoir, A Good Life, former Post Executive Editor Ben Bradlee singled out Woodward in the foreword. "It would be hard to overestimate the contributions to my newspaper and to my time as editor of that extraordinary reporter, Bob Woodward—surely the best of his generation at investigative reporting, the best I've ever seen.... And Woodward has maintained the same position on top of journalism's ladder ever since Watergate"...."

(Source link)


More to know, both about the president and Bob Woodward's efforts.  A reposted YT video of a 8/14/18 phone conversation between the two.
Note the Trump statement (during the call):
(Of Woodward:) "You've always been fair....":

YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended.

>>>> Polls: ....Donald Trump: Honest? Truthful...? (Off-site links:)




P.S. BTW, as reported by this (unaffiliated) source (link):



Ref.: Trump presidency "nervous breakdown"....:

YT video link. For entertainment purposes only, no copyright claimed.
