(Reposted video, 3/4/25) ↓How a real, actual leader -- and human being -- speaks:

Temporarily left on autoplay (some viewers). YT video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L_UFqNKoGQ&ab_channel=BNNBloomberg

↓(Reposted 2/28/25, no affiliation:)

😱😱😱The ranting, unhinged orange clown on the right (video) -- spewing lies in support of Putin -- has the nuclear launch codes (..unless he turned those over to Musk, too..) 😱😱😱

More (off-site link:) "Tears and shock in Ukraine and Europe after heated Zelensky-Trump meeting"

Unaffiliated 2/23/25 source article:https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20250223176/warren-buffett-warning-of-scoundrels-and-fiscal-folly-slashes-his-exposure-to-us-stocks

2/9/25 article excerpt:

"..The second Trump administration’s brazen pattern of blowing through myriad apparent legal limits has prompted debate about its intentions. One theory is that it is deliberately setting up test cases that would ultimately pave the way for the Supreme Court’s Republican-appointed supermajority to expand presidential power by striking down the statutes as unconstitutional.

But the escalating pace of courtroom clashes has raised the question of what would happen if Mr. Trump simply started ignoring decisions he did not like, rather than appealing them. The result would be a constitutional crisis."

Unaffiliated source link: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/09/us/politics/vance-trump-federal-courts-executive-order.html

2/10/25 update: "Judge finds Trump administration violated court order halting funding freeze"(Off-site link:) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-finds-trump-administration-violated-court-order-halting-funding-rcna191528

(>>>>A couple of suggested links for taking some action. No direct affiliation here: https://democracyforward.org/, and, https://www.fiftyfifty.one/)

...Selected 2/2025 polling result: "Overwhelming majority of Americans say Trump should follow federal court rulings"
(Source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2025/02/20/trump-poll-unpopular-post-ipsos/)

↑Public domain photo, edited. "Office of Speaker Mike Johnson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons"

(↑Public domain image copy, edited)

(↑Public domain image copy, edited)
↓↓↓Copy, no affiliation:

P.S. Re ongoing Trump lies..Crime is generally DOWN in the U.S.: : "New FBI statistics show continued drop in US crime in first six months of 2024"
(Trump inaugural partial quote:)

Reposted 1/21/25 news story (link): "Trump grants sweeping pardon of Jan. 6 defendants, including rioters who violently attacked police"
'“We won in a landslide,” Trump claims, again. In fact, he won the popular vote by just 1.5 percentage points, one of the smallest margins of victory since the 19th century."
Unaffiliated source link for ↑quotation: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/12/16/us/trump-news/65fa139e-2785-5caa-9e35-272e582b00b1?smid=url-share. Also: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html
P.S. 12/2024: ..The unhinged person that so many actually chose to vote for. (Link) ..Spewing out hate and screwball insults -- on Christmas no less -- isn't "normal", decent or sane. It's SICK in the head, most likely. (..Parental discretion suggested): https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113716074695799383
↓↓↓↓ 11/2024.... NOPE:

(Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/thomas_jefferson_135369
Unaffiliated source for graffiti font: https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-creator/....REMINDER: How the 10 most highly educated U.S. states voted (overall) in 2024: https://donaldwontlast.blogspot.com/2024/11/headline-rubio-democrats-lost-election.html)
"...a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens."


Sunday, October 27, 2019

How a knucklehead handles a win vs. ISIS...:

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted. This post will be updated from time to time as details emerge.)

Ref.: 10/27/19 news article (subscription may be required): "ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi Is Dead, Trump Says"
...Cue the current U.S. Oval Office occupant being a complete ass about the whole thing.. (so far; additional details are still coming out):

...What he said (comment below).. (Copies. Reposted commentary, no affiliation:)

(Original 10/27/19 photo via White House Twitter acct.:)

(Comment (as written):)

(Obama et al photo, for reference. (Copy:))

>>>More: (..So much more..)

Excerpts from one description of Trump's "rambling" news announcement, 10/27/19:
"...During a rambling question and answer session, Trump claimed credit for knowing Osama bin-Laden was America’s number one enemy before 9/11, declared the heir apparent to al-Qaida as “handsome,” and reiterated that he thought the U.S. should have confiscated Iraq’s oil reserves to, in effect, pay for the invasion of their own country. Throughout, Trump provided scattershot details of the raid that likely will allow military experts to glean sensitive details, such as where it was launched from...."
"...Trump described how he watched the operation from the White House with top generals, saying it was “as though you were watching a movie.” He then proceeded to talk about the raid as if it were a movie, describing it in graphic and violent terms. “The thug that tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, in total panic and dread,” Trump said. The ISIS leader was “whimpering and crying and screaming all the way,” the president crowed. “He died like a dog.”..."
Source article link, no affiliation

10/27/19 news report (subscription may be required): "Pelosi says Trump notified Russians of Baghdadi’s apparent death before telling congressional leaders"

"...The statement from Pelosi (D-Calif.) came after Trump told reporters at a lengthy news conference that he did not inform the House speaker of the raid because he “wanted to make sure this kept secret.”"
Insert:....'Blast(s) from the (recent) past'. Current online encyclopedia article:
"Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information"

Additional reporting: "Chris Wallace grills Mike Pence for making ISIS kill partisan: ‘Why didn’t you tell Nancy Pelosi?’"

...A little more (about this aspect...of partisan-hack idiocy): "Trump told GOP senators good things were coming on Syria"

>>>Yet more:

(...↓FWIW, i.e.; consider the source of the remarks:) 10/27/19 news/analysis article link:
"Russia: Trump’s Baghdadi Victory Lap Is Nothing But ‘Propaganda’

The Russian Defense Ministry also disputed claims that Russia provided access to U.S. air units entering airspace it controls."


(Another 10/27/19 article link:) "AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s exaggerations on predicting bin Laden"


*Blog (post) break* (...Who doesn't need one at this point? Video note: "PG-13-ish")

10/27/19 reposted YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.



10/27/19 news/analysis article (link (headlines are displayed here), subscription):
"C.I.A. Got Tip on al-Baghdadi’s Location From Arrest of a Wife and a Courier
President Trump’s abrupt decision to pull forces from northern Syria disrupted planning for the raid and forced the Pentagon to press ahead with a risky night operation, military officials said."

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Selected Donald Trump compositions appropriately rendered for the (future) Trump "library" (or: containment dome)....Suitable location: Outside walls. (Also perhaps: 'thuh Wall''s incomplete sections)

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Images/text are linked to (public-record) source (link: parental intervention suggested/begged for..)





I used this website to generate the fonts above. I'm sure that you can do much better if you care to.
(No affiliation or association, no endorsement of blog's content:) 


A recent, real news article link to help cleanse your mind from the propaganda and 'spin', displayed above:

"Judge validates Trump impeachment inquiry, orders Mueller document release"

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trump's ridiculous, made-up "do nothing Democrats" label/deception...: Yet another lie

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Example. (Copy:)


↓REALITY, for NON-liars + fraudsters:

...A few pertinent news/analysis etc. article links:

(A 2019 online encyclopedia article link:)  "List of bills in the 116th United States Congress"

(Link, subscription:) "McConnell Promised to End Senate Gridlock. Instead, Republicans Are Stuck in Neutral"

(Opinion letter:) "McConnell oversteps function by refusing to bring bills passed by House to Senate floor (Letters)"

(Link:) 'McConnell's Graveyard': Pelosi lists bills passed by House that Senate won't vote on

(Link:) "As Trump Complains Democrats ‘Do Nothing,’ McConnell Holds Up 400 Bills"

(Link:) "Dem senator: McConnell turning Senate into 'very expensive lunch club'"


Insert: ↓10/23/19 aggregated poll info. Partial screen-captured image. Source link:


(Previously posted:)




Wednesday, October 16, 2019

"...All roads with you lead to Putin..."

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.

Brief excerpt from a 10/16/19 news report (link). Emphasis is added:
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democratic leaders’ White House meeting was cut short after Republican President Donald Trump had a “meltdown” over a House of Representatives vote condemning his Syria withdrawal.
Trump was insulting to Pelosi and the meeting deteriorated into a diatribe by Trump, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters....
...“I think that vote - the size of the vote, more than 2-1 of the Republicans voted to oppose what the president did - probably got to the president. Because he was shaken up by it,” Pelosi said after emerging from the White House.
“And that’s why we couldn’t continue in the meeting because he was just not relating to the reality of it.”"

From an agitated House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a verbatim quotation in the video above:
"I have served with six presidents. I have been in many, many, many meetings like this. Never have I seen a president preach so disrespectfully...a co-equal branch of the government of the United States..."

↓10/16/19 update: Screen-captured image currently heading Speaker Pelosi's Twitter page. Her (attributed) quote from their "meeting": "...All roads with you lead to Putin...":

(Copy. No affiliation, no copyright claimed or assumed.)

 (Image source link. Related 10/16/19 news/analysis story (link, subscription): "Inside the White House Meeting ‘Meltdown’"  Also, credit for information/analysis about this developing matter (general link, no affiliation): MSNBC: 'The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell'. Here is a retweeted copy of O'Donnell's 10/16/19 show opening (videos, no ownership or affiliation)):


(Previously posted material:)

Reposted video from earlier in the day (10/16):

YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.

(Brief comment:)
Really hope somebody sane (- and not co-opted (by Trump) -) is standing guard over the "gold codes" these days...




Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Way-too-early guess for "'allow-ISIS-prisoners-to-go-free" Donald Trump: Your rabble isn't going to be enough in 2020 (...if you're still somehow in office), Capt. 'Blood-on-your-hands'.. (Updated)

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

(...Post's title references (article links, includes opinion/analysis):
"Retired Marine Gen. John Allen: 'There is blood on Trump's hands for abandoning our Kurdish allies'"
"As the U.S. withdraws, Assad and Putin are emerging as the winners in Syria")

"Rabble": https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-listen-to-conference-goers-at-trump-resort-chant-for-war

>>>10/16/19 update: Ignore the never-ending falsehoods from the White House
..↓Pretty much all that you need to know at the moment:

 10/16/19 article excerpt:
"ANKARA (Reuters) - The Trump administration dispatched its top officials to Turkey on Wednesday for emergency talks to try to persuade Ankara to halt an assault on northern Syria, while Russian troops swept into territory abandoned by Washington in a sudden retreat..."

Source article link

...Copy, 10/16/19, no affiliation:


Two current graphs, showing both present and longer-term aggregated polling trends. Screen-captured partial copies. No affiliation. Polling data is/are interpreted in some cases:

(Source link)

(Source link)




Tuesday, October 8, 2019

(Reposted:) "Lindsey Graham: 'A president who doesn't comply with Congressional requests for information is subject to impeachment'"

(Commentary, including reposted material. Temporarily posted.)

Yeah, 'BTW':.........That (above) would be (some of) 'all-over-impeachment' (..of Bill Clinton..) Lindsey Graham's sermon, circa 1998. Totally all-over Clinton's impeachment........

(↓Video clip: 10/8/19 copy, no affiliation:)

(Additional source (general link): https://twitter.com/allinwithchris)

>>>10/16/19 update. (Copy, no affiliation:)


Present-day reference. 10/8/19 news article link:
"Donald Trump to Nancy Pelosi: No cooperation in 'partisan' impeachment investigation"
