(Brief commentary, including reposted material. No blog affiliation with reposted articles, etc. Temporarily posted.)
(Source link for title quotation: https://thehill.com/policy/transportation/284532-trump-nations-infrastructure-can-be-fixed-only-by-me)
5/19 opinion article link: "All the Infrastructure Weeks, ranked"
8/20 commentary/analysis article link (subscription): "The Many Times It’s Been ‘Infrastructure Week’ in Washington"
May 2019 quotation, Donald Trump at Michigan "rally":
"I will never lie to you," Trump said. "I will never put any interest before you and I will never, ever stop fighting for you."
(Source article link)
(Excerpted quotations:)
"“I’m going to have a big statement tomorrow night on infrastructure....” "...Infrastructure — we’re going to start spending on infrastructure big. Not like we have a choice. It’s not like, oh gee, let’s hold it off.”"
Source 2/27/17 article (link): "Trump pledges to spend ‘big’ on infrastructure"
2/12/18 YT video clip. No copyright claimed or assumed
3/31/20 article link: "Trump says the time is right to pass a 'BIG & BOLD' $2 trillion infrastructure plan"
(Brief commentary:)
(Image:)...↓What Donald Trump meant by "infrastructure", all along...(?)
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."