If you haven't been paying attention, an increasingly significant issue is if - or how - the United States as a country will (attempt to) manage, control an increasingly "rogue" president.
(BTW: A top definition of the word "rogue" is:.. "a dishonest or worthless person")
FWIW: 'Stormy Daniels' was on-target with the (initial) way she handled Mr. Skeevy-Trump/Dennison. (Even if it "earned" her some unwanted immediate consequences.)
Trump will - at least initially - listen to someone 'gutsy' and assertive enough to stand up to him. (...No different from many other bullies. I.e., it's mostly bluster.)
(YT video link. No copyright claimed or intended. No affiliation.)
That's why the following news/news commentary articles (links) are not untroubling....for many.
*Who is managing Donald Trump, arguably the most powerful person in the world?*https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-freezes-out-chief-of-staff-john-kelly-says-hes-tired-of-being-told-no/
4/8/18 update: Donald Trump -- the historically unpopular, serial "fabricator" (ref. links) -- has now denied that John Kelly has "lost influence" (or similar). News commentary article link:https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/05/politics/trump-policy-scramble/index.html
...Etc., etc.
..OH. Maybe he↓ -- on the left below ..and those of his ilk.. -- will (assert themselves and) 'save' the rest of us. (You know: Their country?!?)...........:
Ending with three fitting images of your president; the strange, increasingly-wayward 'Despot-in-Chief':
(Copy, no affiliation:)
Trump is having another hair raising experience 🌬#maga #trumphair #inners #maddow #amjoy @andylassner pic.twitter.com/nbVPacG594— Chinchuleen 🌏 (@Chinchuleen) April 5, 2018
P.S. ...Here -- depicted via the graph below -- may be the main "saviors" that remain. (It's the red line, duh...):
Image source link. No affiliation.
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