Dictionary definition:
col·lu·sion | \ kÉ™-ˈlü-zhÉ™n \
(Definition of collusion)
: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose"
Source link
cov·er-up | \ ˈkÉ™-vÉ™r-ˌəp \
(Definition of cover-up)
1a: a device or stratagem for masking or concealing
b: a usually concerted effort to keep an illegal or unethical act or situation from being made public"
(Source link)
9/26/19 news analysis/commentary article (link):
"The damning simplicity of the Ukraine-Trump scandal
The conspiracy and the cover-up are in plain sight."..............................................................................................
...Another one (more or less) for Donald today....:
YT video link. No copyright claimed or assumed.
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