(12/10/19 copy:)
I don’t know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn’t the one given to me. With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest men & women working there!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2019
12/10/19 news article link (subscription required):
"Trump Lashes Out at F.B.I. Director Over Report on Russia Inquiry"
Brief excerpt:
"During his first two years in office, Mr. Trump attacked the F.B.I., Justice Department and intelligence agencies 277 times."
2/19/19 news analysis article link (subscription required). (It does not appear that the numbers cited in the article have been updated recently...:)
"Trump Has Publicly Attacked the Russia Investigation More Than 1,100 Times"
Brief excerpt (weblinks omitted, emphasis added):
"...The attacks, which number nearly 1,200, are part of a strategy to beat back the investigations. They have also opened him to possible obstruction of justice charges. They include statements made on Twitter, in official speeches, at rallies and during news media interviews and other press events.
While it is highly unusual for anyone — let alone the president of the United States — to comment on continuing criminal investigations, Mr. Trump has done so at least once on 330 days, or more than 43 percent of his time in office as of Feb. 14."Insert -- 2/19 poll results: "Americans Say Russia Poses 'Critical Threat,' Is Country’s Greatest Enemy"
>>>12/10/19 update:
↓THIS is the Oval Office meeting on the DAY 'abuse of power' (etc.) impeachment articles are announced?? This is the photo the president (..of the United States,supposedly) broadcasts...today?
Just had a very good meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and representatives of Russia. Discussed many items including Trade, Iran, North Korea, INF Treaty, Nuclear Arms Control, and Election Meddling. Look forward to continuing our dialogue in the near future! pic.twitter.com/tHecH9a9ck— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2019
..From 2017:
..Online encyclopedia article link, including description of the 2017 Oval Office meeting (above):
Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information..9/10/19 news report:
"The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting"
(Credit to this unaffiliated source for cluing us in that the Trump Oval Office meeting with a Russian overlord actually took place today (12/10/19). A general link:
FWIW: The (2017) Trump-Russians-Oval Office-classified info., etc. subject has been generally discussed many times at this tiny blog..)
(Continuing, previously posted material:)
..Just one recent sample observation. Link, subscription may be required:
"Trump has spoken privately with Putin at least 16 times. Here’s what we know about the conversations."
Ongoing (never-ending) 'reminder'.. (Online encyclopedia detailed article link:) "Legal affairs of Donald Trump"
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